WaveDNA releases Liquid Music v1.6.2
Liquid Music updated to version 1.6.2
Toronto, Canada – February 8th, 2016 – WaveDNA is proud to announce Liquid Music v1.6.2 featuring African rhythms, a wealth of bug fixes and improved stability. The list below summarizes the new features, workflow improvements, and bug fixes included in the latest version of Liquid Music.
New Content
- Ten new African Rhythms have been added to the Rhythm Layer Presets list
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur when switching between ‘Rhythm Tools’ and ‘Harmony Tools’ from the View menu.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the last viewed perspective to be forgotten when switching between ‘Rhythm Tools’ and ‘Harmony Tools’
- Blocked the ability to switch between ‘Rhythm Tools’ and ‘Harmony Tools’ when in MIDI Map mode.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the Export Wizard window from appearing after the first time, when selecting the option “Use Export Wizard Settings…” from the Export MIDI drag-n-drop button’s menu more than once. (VST Mode only)
- Fixed a common crash that occur when opening the Mixer view (Rhythm VST Mode only)
- Fixed a bug that would cause an error to occur when pressing “Scramble” rapidly on some of the panels.
- Fixed a bug that could appear when tracks were ‘Folded’ (hidden) in Rhythm Tools mode.
Improvements (Under the hood)
- Apple users no longer need Apple’s legacy Java to run our software. You can now use the latest JDK Java 1.8 or newer form Oracle
- The option “Overwrite Chord Durations” now defaults to “ON”. (This results in a better experience when swapping chords in the Chords panel.)
Known Issues and Limitations
- Playing a few in-app tutorial help videos in a row can cause a crash.
- Liquid Music’s application icon (in the dock and in the Cmd-Tab application switcher) is titled as “LiquidRhythm.” (This is an unfortunate and challenging bug that we will eventually fix.)
- Ableton Push 2 controller is incompatible with Liquid Music.
- Activating ‘independent loop’ mode in Liquid Music can occasionally cause the playhead to disappear or disconnect from your host DAW’s playhead. (Playback works normally.)
- In ‘Rhythm Tools’ mode, the Velocity sliders in the Accent Modifiers panel occasionally do not function predictably and can cause an error to occur.
- Clicking on the “website” link in the “About” window can cause an error to occur on some versions of OSX Yosemite.
- When in audition mode on the Chords panel, and the audition mode is set to “chords,” the highest note plays but all other notes in the chord may cut off.
- Dragging and dropping a BeatForm from the Molecule Tool’s BeatForm Pallette into the Rhythm track (in ‘Harmony Tools’ mode) can cause notes to be generated at the bottom-most MIDI note (C-2).
- Some reports have been submitted about failure to use Liquid Music with the Lemur MIDI script for Liquid Rhythm.
- Liquid Music’s Max for Live plugin should not be run in the same Ableton session as Liquid Rhythm or Liquid Music VST / AU plugins.
- We are working on an AAX implementation of the new Liquid Music and Liquid Rhythm plugins for OSX and Windows.
- Apple Logic users: Liquid Music only works with Logic Pro X and up. (It loads as a MIDI FX plugin.) The AU does not currently work in GarageBand.
Known Issues and Limitations – Liquid Music: Rhythm mode VST / AU / Standalone
- User can’t click+drag on track headers to rearrange tracks.
- Loading a BeatForm into the BeatForm Circuit, and then double-clicking it, may cause an error.
- Clicking ‘Surprise Me’ in the Randomizer panel in the Molecule Tools may cause an error.
- Using a MIDI Mapping file created on a different operating system would lead to crashes. For instance, MacOSX has the ‘CMD’ key, and attempting to use that through MIDI mapping on Windows OS would cause a crash. This is specific to MIDI mapping files that has ‘Mappable Commands’ saved within them. They are not cross platform. This will be addressed in a future release.
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone may not launch for Windows 8 users. Right-click on the application and choose “Run as Administrator.”
- Option-clicking on a pattern to audition it (in the BarForm or BeatForm Maps) will not audition if the BeatWeaver is not open.
- Overdub recording mode is glitchy, and real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
- Repeatedly pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
- Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
- MIDI Mapping track-specific controls (such as volume, solo, mute) can be lost after quitting Liquid Rhythm and relaunching.
- Ableton Push 2 controller is incompatible with Liquid Rhythm.
- Liquid Rhythm is not AAX compatible
- Liquid Rhythm is not RTAS compatible.
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