Ask Audio’s 10K Giveaway!
Our friends at AskAudio are giving away some sweet kit!
They are calling it the “The Ultimate $10,000 Music Gear Contest” and after review Ask Audio’s post HERE, it quite possibly is the greatest, most ultimate give away we have ever seen. All you have to do is answer a short survey, and sign up to Ask Audio Magazine’s mailing list. Once completed, you will be entered to for a chance to win 5 prize packages consisting of a Grand Prize, 2nd Prize, and 3rd Prize as well as two runner up packages. Giveaways will consist of products from products from Ableton, Novation, KRK, Focusright, Blue Microphones, and MacProVideo.
To enter visit: http://askaudiomag.com/articles/win-10000-worth-of-focusrite-novation-ableton-krk-and-blue-mics-audio-gear
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