Electronic Musician Magazine Reviews Liquid Rhythm
“Opening the floodgates of beat heaven” – Markkus Rovito
As huge fans of Electronic Musician Magazine, we thought that Christmas had come early when opening the November / December issue and reading Markkus Rovito’s incredibly thorough and functional review of our Liquid Rhythm 1.4.2 software. Spending time on the features that he says “really comprise the crux of what makes Liquid Rhythm special”, Markkus provides insight on tools like the Beat Builder Barform List and Beat Sequencer, the BeatWeaver Rhythm Synthesizer, and the Molecule Tools. He even adds a section to offer his own tips on using features from Liquid Rhythm to create melodic sequences.
Near the end of his review, Markkus poses and answers what he says are the most important questions surrounding the product: “Will Liquid Rhythm help me make beats faster, make beats I otherwise would not have created on my own, and make beats rhythmically more interesting? I say yes, on all accounts.”
Read the full December 2014 review.
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