Liquid Rhythm Lemur Template for iPad
Enjoy the power of Liquid Rhythm with our Lemur Template for iPad!
So, with all the huss and fuss going on at WaveDNA regarding our new Push controller script, it’s easy to forget that we also work with other MIDI controllers. We have spent so much time aggressively scripting for devices like Novation’s Launchpad, Livid’s Base and Keith McMillen’s QuNeo, it almost seems like we have ignored everything else. But this is not the case. In fact, for owners of iPads and the awesome Lemur app, we have a nifty little treat for you. How about a multi page Lemur template – ready to load onto your iPad? Because we love you, and we love touchy screeny things.
Check the link below to download everything you need to get started. The best part is you can change it to fit your needs.
Download Lemur midi maps here!
(Note #1: This Lemur preset and Midi mapping is designed to be used with the most up to date version of Liquid Rhythm. (Minimum requirement is version 1.3 and up.))
(Note #2: For users of Liquid Rhythm Intro: Unfortunately, the Lemur patch contains a few buttons and sliders that are not available in Liquid Rhythm Intro. This is because the Lemur patch was initially designed for the full version of Liquid Rhythm. We admit: This is a bummer. However, we are planning on improving the Lemur patch to be more Liquid Rhythm Intro-friendly. So, do note that the controls in the following tabs in the Lemur patch won’t have any affect on Liquid Rhythm Intro: BeatForm Tumbler, Cycle BeatForm, Randomizer)
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