Liquid Rhythm Updated to Version 1.4.3!
Liquid Rhythm v1.4.3 features a number of improvements and fixes. Most notably, Liquid Rhythm is fully supported on OS X Yosemite, and features a snazzy new single-click installer.
For current users download a copy of the latest version by clicking the link below. For new trial users, please download the trial version here.
Note: To use Liquid Rhythm’s Max for Live Clips plugin in Ableton Live 9, update both Live and Max 6 to the latest versions before installing Liquid Rhythm. (the Max update must be installed first.)
What’s New in 1.4.3?
The list below summarizes the new features, workflow improvements, and bug fixes included in the latest version.
Major Improvements
- Compatible with OSX Yosemite
- Snazzy new single-click installer for OSX
- Fixed OSX GateKeeper’s “throw application in trash” error message after install
Changes to Minimum Requirements
- Minimum requirements OSX: 10.7.5. and higher (Snow Leopard 10.6.8 is no longer supported.)
- Minimum requirements Windows: Windows Vista and higher (Windows XP is no longer supported.)
- Fixed playback issues with longer samples
- GUI Client in OSX is now full 64 bit and uses embedded java 1.9.0.
- OSX plugins now use embedded java 1.9.0 for 64 bit mode
- Removed VLC video player and replaced with JavaFX for Windows and OSX
- Version 2 Apple Developer code signature for all OSX packages (master build now on Yosemite)
- Removed popup window with web Windows installer
- AMXD (Max For Live) installer now uses Ableton custom library setting on MAC and Windows
- Installer will remove old AMXDs from Ableton Library
- Uninstaller on Windows will remove AMXD from library
- Installer will place AMXD in every Ableton library location and in /Applications/WaveDNA folder
- Fixed “My Documents” localization issue on Windows
- OSX installer will shut down Ableton, Liquid Rhythm and Audio engine if they are running before installing
Known Issues and Limitations
- (Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode): Windows users may experience repeated crashes while attempting to load Liquid Rhythm Max patch. Please see this link for help: http://www.wavedna.com/known-issue-max-live-ableton-live-causing-liquid-rhythm-crash/
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone may not launch for Windows 8 users. Right-click on the application and choose “Run as Administrator.”
- Option-clicking on a pattern to audition it (in the BarForm or BeatForm Maps) will not audition if the BeatWeaver is not open.
- Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving MIDI tracks around in live while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
- Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving the Liquid Rhythm Max plugin, or any of its Audition plugins around while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
- Overdub recording mode is glitchy.
- Real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
- Repeatedly pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
- MIDI scripting for some devices (QuNeo, Livid Base) is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for other modes.
- Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
- MIDI Mapping track-specific controls (such as volume, solo, mute) can be lost after quitting Liquid Rhythm and relaunching.
- No automatic software updates or notifications (yet).
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