WaveDNA is very considerate of all feedback from users of Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Music. If you send us a message about an error, with any question, or just a suggestion, you will receive an answer from our technical support team within 2 business days. Nevertheless, we recognize that sometimes a problem will arise so please review the refund policy for WaveDNA software products.

To obtain a refund on a product purchased through our website and delivered to you by online download you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Reason for Refund – Unless otherwise indicated, WaveDNA will only refund your purchase if you encounter a technical problem with the software that prevents proper use of the software, and cannot be resolved within an acceptable period of time.

  1. Supporting Documentation – A refund is only given if you provide detailed information about your error, as requested by our support staff, including but not limited to screenshots, error messages, log files, detailed descriptions of your actions, and file samples.

  1. Timeline for Full Refund – Your right to obtain a full refund for downloaded software lasts only for a limited time. In order for the return of your downloaded software to be authorized, you must contact us with your concern within 30 days of your purchase date.

  2. A screenshot taken after a full uninstall is required before the refund can be processed.

  3. WaveDNA cannot guarantee compatibility with all DAW’s across every platform with every update. We are committed to providing version updates but do not guarantee compatibility in every circumstance.


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