WaveDNA took part in the Returning Sun Philippines Relief Benefit
A special Philippines relief fundraiser went down last month at Revival to help Plan Canada’s efforts to aid the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the Philippines on November 8, killing over five thousand people and destroying the property and homes of over 11 million others.
WaveDNA took part at this Philippines relief event with many staff members on hand as well as a few prizes to add to the silent auction. The night was really enjoyable for us all. We’ve shared our twitter activity from the evening below.
We would like to express our most sincere gratitude to those who came out to support the fundraiser.
Is that the legendary @SmithsonMartin DVS 46″ touchscreen? #ReturningSun #charity event. Looking out 4 Alan pic.twitter.com/C7behSDHez
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Ready for the crowd at the Silent auction at #ReturningSun #charity. #LiquidRhythm blasting pic.twitter.com/6q8jNYHaPV
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Manning the booth #LiquidRhythm providing the phat beats in the basement. #ReturningSun pic.twitter.com/U0x1DJMT4V
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Met RJ and Jonas from @give1ne making an awesome beat and part of a great cause. Check em out #ReturningSun pic.twitter.com/sXRaZdPSye
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
@alan_smithson @juliesmithso hanging with Saro at #ReturningSun making beats on @SmithsonMartin pic.twitter.com/DURjro6tst
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Bidding is getting hotter. Only one hour ten left to bid. #ReturningSun pic.twitter.com/z1vNfAq5sF
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Damon from our own building dropping in to support #ReturningSun and #LiquidRhythm first timer. You rock pic.twitter.com/jM1MckGjgG
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Down to the last 20 minutes before auction ends. Excitement at #ReturningSun pic.twitter.com/iQCCZe3fSu
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
Chaos in the last few minutes. Lovin it. #ReturningSun. Thanks for all the generous donations pic.twitter.com/JsZjH8CPPv
— WaveDNA (@WaveDNA) November 27, 2013
KS-1974 spotted at @WaveDNA display. Fundraiser for Philippines pic.twitter.com/U516dUnMGF
— SmithsonMartin (@SmithsonMartin) November 27, 2013
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